Friday, 9 September 2016

World Suicide Prevention Day ....

In recognition of World Suicide Prevention Day we take a look back at our first Legend Tournament, a one of a kind event in our community ~ raising funds for mental health & suicide prevention initiatives.

Thank you again to all of our sponsors and all those that attended this event. Your generosity touched the hearts of many and will continue to do so as the funds impact our community and those who need it most. Join us in recognizing WSPD; remembering all those who have lost their life to suicide and the friends and families that love them and miss them.

In honour of the day, we are opening registration for the safeTALK Workshop that is offered via funds raised by the Legend Tournament and in partnership with the Safe Communities Committee - City of Brooks & County of Newell . 

This workshop is free of charge and is open to all members of our community. Please email for more info & to register. 

Today as we reflect on the tournament &  our inspiration for this event we ask you to:
Be one who reaches out
Be one who speaks up
Be one who listens
Be one who makes a difference
Be one. 

Thursday, 7 July 2016

The Legend; The Legacy

In the wake of losing my brother in law, Dallas, to suicide in February of 2015, I was left with feelings of shock, sadness, confusion, anger, denial, guilt…you name it, I felt it. Most of all I was left with a hole; in my life, in my family, and in my heart. As with any loss, I struggled to find a way to cope with the grief and to support the ones I love. I needed to do something. I needed to find a way to help; to bring a light to the darkness that surrounded me. I couldn’t bring Dallas back, and I couldn’t help him with his struggle; but could I help someone? Anyone? Could I help others mourning this loss? Could I help others that were struggling? Could I keep another family from going through this? Could I help the man that I love with all my heart try to pick up the pieces of his life, after everything he had ever known and trusted in this world, had been shattered into a million pieces? The answer was yes. I could. I had to.
And so, The Legend was born. A memorial golf tournament to honor Dallas (The Legend or the Ledge, as many knew him by) seemed like a perfect fit. He was an avid golfer, was quite possibly the most competitive person I ever met, and loved nothing more than to spend time with friends and family. How could we help others mourning his loss? We could start a tradition, and give family and friends a reason to come together; to reminisce and to show each other support.

As time passed and planning for the tournament got underway, I searched for information to increase my knowledge; to help me to understand. I continued to research addiction, mental illness and suicide; the statistics were alarming! According to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, the Centre for Suicide Prevention & the World Health Organization; One in five Canadians will experience a mental illness or addiction problem in their lifetime. There is a suicide on our planet every 40 seconds, and an attempt every 3 seconds. 90% of people that commit suicide have a mental illness, addiction; or both. We are surrounded by people that are struggling; yet no one is talking about it. We had to do something!

But how? Where do you start? After working in health care as a Registered Nurse for the last 10 years, I felt let down by the very system that was supposed to help. It had failed miserably. Mental health services and supports need to improve; assessment and referral procedures in acute medical systems need an overhaul; our government needs to properly allocate funding to provide more continuity of care, so people aren’t slipping through the cracks. Looking at the daunting task of igniting social and political change, I felt powerless. However, working in health care and the non profit sector has also taught me that to make big changes you have to start somewhere, and most often you will see the biggest change working within your circle of influence. I would say that bringing people together to start a conversation and reduce stigma is as good a place as any.

How do we help others that are struggling? By using the golf tournament as a way to get the word out! That people that we love are struggling, and that it’s ok to talk about it. That you yourself may be struggling, and that it’s ok to ask for help.

Research has shown that one of the most important protective factors against mental illness and addiction is the presence of a support system. Let’s support one another!

How could we keep other families from going through this? By increasing awareness and supporting suicide prevention initiatives. A portion of the proceeds from the tournament will be used to partner with the Safe Communities Committee (City of Brooks & County of Newell) to host a suicide awareness workshop for the community; one of the first steps in building a suicide-safer community.

Funds will also be donated to the amazing organization that provides these and other important workshops throughout the province. The Centre for Suicide Prevention is an education & resource centre dedicated to educating people with the information, knowledge and skills necessary to respond to the risk of suicide. One of their chief responsibilities is providing suicide prevention & intervention workshops developed by Living Works, the World leader in suicide intervention training. Their vision is to have Canadians that are equipped to respond to those at risk of suicide, and we can help.

Research indicates that many mental illnesses actually start in young adulthood, and suicide remains the second leading cause of death for young people in Canada. Further more, the root of addiction frequently starts in childhood, often related to trauma; but as Dr. Gabor Mate writes “that’s not [always] when bad things happen but when good things don’t happen”

How could we help others that are struggling and perhaps prevent suicides as a result of mental illness or addiction? By helping those “good things” to happen. By promoting a positive school environment and providing opportunity for youth to have positive role models, and to build resiliency, coping skills and a support system to count on. Choosing one of our beneficiaries to help us take on this hugely important task seemed like a no brainer! The Grasslands Innovations Project is a mental health capacity building project that operates in schools within the Grasslands Public School Division. It is an integrated, multidisciplinary, team approach providing promotion, prevention and early intervention, and addiction and mental health services to children and their families. The funds will assist Innovations to implement leadership and resiliency programming in one of the junior high schools, and the partnership with our foundation will help them to provide education and promote awareness about mental health and suicide.

How do we help? With your help! The support for the golf tournament in and of itself is so important to us. It honors a man that we all love and miss so dearly. It also serves as the catalyst for a community wide project aimed at raising awareness and reducing stigma through education, health promotion, social change, and government lobbying. With your help we can begin to build a legacy of compassion, support and understanding!

As the project has evolved over the past year, it has provided an opportunity to put our energy towards something positive. Many people have offered to help, sent generous donations and shown their support for what we are trying to do. Brick by brick we begin to build this legacy in honor of Dallas; and without even realizing it, I think that hole in my heart may be a little smaller. It has started to fill with little pieces of love, kindness, support, understanding, and compassion from those around me. Thank you for helping to pick up the pieces.
~ Ashley

For tournament info please visit our Facebook Page at : FullCircle FDN for Wellness

To Register please email and request a package.

Monday, 4 July 2016

Pink Ribbon Project Thank You ~ The Ripple Effect

It's taken a little time to sit down to write this thank you....In the days that follow PRP I find that I need to regroup , reflect on the evening and move forward when I have the clarity to share what the event means to us,  and what actually comes to fruition through it, beyond just a final tally of the dollars and cents. 

photo credits: Jessica Surgenor Photography
Find full photo gallery here:
This year's Pink Ribbon Project was an especially tough one for me. With the progression of my Mom's breast cancer and the knowledge we gained in May of it's spread to her liver, there were days I found it difficult to focus on the details that need to be taken care of to bring this event to life. The reality of her battle weighed heavily on all of us as the event drew closer. She started her first round of chemo, which will now continue indefinitely just days before PRP. Knowing that we had organizations that depend on us and all of our guests to take care of gave me something else to focus my energy on and knowing what the night would bring; the energy in the room that gives love and support to those who need it allowed me to move forward with purpose. I am so grateful for that. 

We all know the  stat...1 in 9 Canadian women will face a breast cancer diagnosis. If it hasn't already, this disease will touch your life in some way. When you attend or support PRP in some way, do not underestimate the effect that has. Through the Pink Ribbon Project we are impacting each and every one of the women that will face this disease by supporting the  organizations that are on the front lines; funding research for early detection,  life saving & extending treatment and fighting for the best possible care for breast cancer patients.  You are making that possible.

This year the Pink Ribbon Project raised $21,000 to be shared between the Canadian Breast Cancer Network and the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. On behalf of the PRP committee and the Full Circle Foundation I want to thank each and every person that supported PRP 3 in some way; we are truly humbled by the continued support of this event. Every year our partners and sponsors put their trust in us and give generously to make this event a reality. It would be impossible without them and we will be forever grateful.

If you read our blog posts leading up to Pink Ribbon Project or attended the event, you know that our focus this year was sharing, " Why We PRP....." In the months leading up to the event more and more reasons kept coming to light; not only as things changed for our committee and we found ourselves re-focusing but as people found us, reached out  and allowed us to start to feel the effects of what we have been doing the past 3 years. As people reached out, we began to see that our overriding reasons for Why We PRP actually encompassed every situation we experienced and made it clear that we are taking steps in the right direction. Educate, Advocate, Donate.....

Through  different mediums; social media, our blog, print and  educational materials we worked to shine a light on stage 4 or metastatic breast cancer to further  awareness and understanding of what a stage 4 diagnosis truly means. Our focus has always been to educate ourselves and others and we learned so much through this process. People have been reaching out to share with us what they have learned about metastatic breast cancer, what they didn't know, and how they will be more aware moving forward. For those of you who have shared, thank you. For me, knowing that we have reached even one person gives me more peace of mind.  Its too late for me to go back, to  know what I know now about stage 4 but I can move forward and share that information with others.  

We  specifically wanted to reach  women who have already faced breast cancer in the past and are living their lives with a cancer free status. We wanted them and everyone who loves them to be aware that 30% of them will have their breast cancer return as metastatic. Not to live their life in fear; but to tuck away this bit of information and be able to retrieve it if and when they have persistent, worsening symptoms that may even 
seem unrelated to their previous breast cancer battle. Live with hope, health and happiness but have the information to fall back on. We wanted their family to have  that little voice reminding them of what they know about metastatic breast cancer so that nothing catches them off guard. I used to wish every minute, of every day that I had figured it out sooner; that something would have clicked for me instantly, telling me that my Mom's breast cancer was back. How could I not have put the pieces together? I know now, that I couldn't put the pieces together because I didn't have them all. That puzzle couldn't be solved by me because I didn't know enough. Through PRP we are making sure that others have all the pieces. 

 The steps we have taken as a committee to get more involved in advocacy work have opened a door to both information and action steps. For me, I no longer feel frozen by fear. I know that there are steps I can take that may or may not change things for my family but may change the future for others. Through this new focus we have met others that have needed access to the information we have, or  to be directed to the resources we have accessed through our partnerships. One of the most humbling experiences I have had came to me by way of PRP as we welcomed a new friend and had the opportunity to hear her story, share resources with her and help her, if nothing else to know that she is not alone; that we are fighting for her too!

We are working hard  to have our concerns heard at both a provincial and federal level regarding access to treatments for stage 4 patients. With the guidance of the Canadian Breast Cancer Network and your support we are able to focus our energy in this area and we will not stop until we see equitable access for all breast cancer patients in Canada. Women with metastatic breast cancer are dying while they wait 2-4 years to access new treatments. This is shocking and unacceptable and we must continue to advocate for change. For my Mom and all other breast cancer patients with stage 4, this is a life or death battle and we will continue stand beside them, demanding change. 

When you support PRP you are allowing us to direct funds to organizations we feel are having the most impact on research and patient care. For us it has to be both. The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation has recently made a commitment to fund more research that is specific to metastatic breast cancer. We look forward to seeing which projects will be funded and the outcomes of them . The Canadian Breast Cancer Network continues to advocate for the best care possible for all Canadians facing breast cancer and strives to shine a light on metastatic breast cancer. We are honoured to support the work of both of these organizations and are thankful for the partnerships we have built with them and will continue to build in the future.

Three years into PRP we are starting to see the ripple effect of this event. It's one night....9 hours to be exact where we have a chance to educate, advocate and donate....but the effects of that are starting to reach further and further each year. We don't know what will happen tomorrow but we know that within our community, if someone is looking for support, information, a friend who truly understands what they are facing or someone who will fight for them as they go through their own journey with breast cancer, that they know where to look. We know because we have experienced the ripples more and more each year. Keep reaching out to us if you need support ~ We are here. And for those of you that have supported PRP;  you are creating the ripple effect, keep sharing our stories, our work and what you experience when you attend PRP. You never know what the effect of that might be.

The support you show us through PRP means more than we can ever paraphrase what my sister, Tara said during her speech that night...Never underestimate what it means when you show up for someone who needs you. In what ever way you choose to show up,  please keep doing it.  In this journey we are on with our Mom,  you are the good. You are giving us the strength that we need to keep going; no matter what the future holds. 

You make it possible for us to fight for our Mom, and for all the those who have faced  breast cancer and for those who will face it in the future. I refuse to be paralyzed by fear and helplessness, I choose to keep moving forward, wearing the support of our Pink Ribbon Project family as armour around my heart, which is full of hope. 

~ Carmen 

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Why We PRP....A Mother's Day Blog

Even before I started reading my way through the wall of Mother’s Day cards, I knew I wasn’t going to find one this year.  I didn’t want to read them, I didn’t want to feel like I was choking back tears, or feel disappointed that nobody seemed to be able to put into words what I was feeling for my Mom.  I didn’t want to think about the future, I didn’t even want to think about the past.  I just didn’t want to.
So I walked away empty handed. 

My head and my heart were full of things I wanted to express for my Mom, and to her.  Things I want people to understand about Stage IV breast cancer, about the brave souls fighting their battle with it, and about the families and friends battling alongside them.

I remembered I did have a card tucked away that I had been saving for my Mom.  To me, it seems to better capture the person she is: the selfless woman I admire, the courageous fighter I am in awe of, and the fierce giver of support, encouragement and love she shares with the world every day.......

“Once in a blue moon, people will surprise you…
and once in a while,
people may even take your breath away.” – Grey’s Anatomy
Thank you for making mine a lifetime of blue moons.

My Mom has always kind of taken my breath away.  From the early days when you love your Mommy just because she’s the most beautiful Mommy in the world, to the years when your love grows into respect, admiration, and gratitude, my Mom has never stopped amazing me.  She never will.   I will never be able to fully express my love, but I promise I will never stop trying.

Being part of the family of a Stage IV patient is a delicate balance.  There are so many days when people tell me how good Mom looks, and how they almost forget that she’s sick, and I am thankful for every one of these days and comments.  As her family, we are thankful for every good day, and every good checkup.  Whether we acknowledge it fully, our collective anxiety rises as each scan and test is performed leading up to her next three month checkup.  We hold our breath, waiting for either the other shoe to drop, or a good checkup.  Good meaning that the cancer in her bones is staying put, and not taking up residence in more sites, or in her organs.  Living with Stage IV in the family feels like a constant battle against the disease, and the clock.  Daily, we balance hope and fear, optimism and realism, and often struggle with so many questions that don’t have answers. 

Mom takes her hormone therapy and bone strengthening injections like most people take their vitamins.  She puts up with her family of watchdogs checking up on her – is she eating enough, resting enough, sleeping well, taking time with her friends, and taking time for herself??  She has always approached her fight with an attitude of accepting whatever it takes to keep her here for “her people”.

What I hope she knows is how very blessed we all feel to be “her people.”  She worries endlessly about how her cancer impacts her family, her friends, our friends, and the people around her.  It is hard, absolutely, but in the face of uncertainty and difficulties, our family has grown stronger and closer.  We tell it like it is, hold each other a little tighter, and make the most of the moments we have together.  Our extended circle of love and support is also amazing, and we have nothing but gratitude for that.

We are three years into this journey with Metastatic Breast Cancer.  A disease we knew very little about prior to Mom’s diagnosis.  We really didn’t know that 30% of those diagnosed with breast cancer will have it come back as Stage IV.  We didn’t know any of the things we maybe should have been watching for.  We didn’t know there were so many types of breast cancer, so many treatment plans, or so many people battling.  We just didn’t know.  Until we had to.

I think that is one of the most important things for people to understand about the Pink Ribbon Project.  To us, it is not just a fundraiser. We have so many reasons why we PRP.... It is about taking action in the face of something so much bigger than just our story.  We are raising money, but we are also raising awareness, educating people, and creating a community of support where people feel they can find the resources they need, or someone who just might understand a little of what they are going through.  As we work to educate ourselves, we hope to educate others.  As we find our voice for those fighting this disease, we hope others will join in to make that voice stronger.

The first two years of PRP benefitted the Canadian BreastCancer Foundation, which focuses funds mainly on awareness, research, and early detection.  This year we have expanded our focus to include the Canadian Breast Cancer Network as a second beneficiary.  This survivor driven agency works to make sure patients are getting the best care and support possible.  Recently they have placed more focus on Stage IV, which is why it is so important to share our support with them at this time.  They are fighting to ensure that Stage IV patients have access to the medications and treatments they need to prolong life.

We are proud to lend our support and voices to both of these organizations as they work to provide the research, support, and advocacy needed across all stages of breast cancer.  Both are needed, both are important, and both provide hope and resources to those who need it most.  For us, it has to be both.  We need to continue supporting the work towards an eventual cure, while also supporting those working on life extending treatments for those facing Stage IV right now.

Each year my list of reasons grows as to why I PRP.  My hope is that sharing our stories helps other people to understand more about this disease, and that sharing our event creates a feeling of community and strength.  Some days I feel like my three year-old at bedtime asking, “Mommy, will you stay with me for just a little longer?”  Other days, I can feel stronger, that as we educate, advocate & donate, we are making progress, making a contribution, and possibly a different story.

Happy Mother’s Day Mom!  Thank you for being a fighter always – I love you to the moon and back, and more than all the stars in the sky….xoxo


(For event & ticket information for the Pink Ribbon Project please see our webpage or  follow us Facebook )

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Why We PRP......

Joining the Pink Ribbon Project (PRP) committee three years ago was a no-brainer ! My mom is a breast cancer survivor!  I knew that I needed to learn more about this disease and do my part to raise awareness and funding for research.  Not only does my mom’s future depend on it, but maybe so does mine and my daughter’s, maybe  her daughter’s and the daughters after that!!! I know that what we do now, will impact our family's future for years to come.

Working on PRP has given me a chance to look back and look forward. Looking back reminds me of how it was in the beginning, for me and for my family. Bringing the Pink Ribbon Project to our community allows me to help others who are just getting started in their own journey with breast cancer.

When my Mom was first diagnosed, the unknown was so very scary. I will never forget sitting in the Doctor's office while we were given the news. My Mom had breast cancer. How do you even begin to ask questions about something you know nothing about? We obviously knew breast cancer existed but all of a sudden we were overwhelmed with information. There are so many different kinds of breast cancer and different stages and it's not just as simple as getting the lump or breast (s) removed (which is actually a whole other difficult decision in it's self!) It was all so  confusing. I wish I had been more aware. Even while my Mom was going through treatment, I still didn't understand all it entailed and what it might mean for the future.

So in the beginning it was simple. My Mom is a survivor and I wanted to help. I wanted to know more, I believe that knowledge is power. Over the past few years, my reasons for continuing to "PRP" have become more complex as my own understanding of breast cancer grows. I am still learning about breast cancer and being on the committee is the biggest part of that.

Listening to the impact that breast cancer is having on my fellow committee members lives and families has opened my eyes. I didn't know that when or if breast cancer 'comes back' that it can come back as stage 4, or metastatic breast cancer and that when it does, it won't just be in the original breast location, it can come back in your bones or organs and it's still called breast cancer!! I recently learned that 1 in 3 breast cancer survivors will have their cancer recur as stage 4! This statistic tells me that there is a possibility that my Mom's cancer could come back. Now don't get me wrong, I am still hopeful that it won't;  but if it does, I will be more educated and feel a bit better knowing that through the Pink Ribbon Project I have helped put forth an effort to raise funds for research and education.  Our support of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation allows us to support research, and the work that they do in discovering life saving treatment and hopefully one day, a cure for breast cancer.

This year we are choosing to expand our support for breast cancer organizations to include the Canadian Breast Cancer Network. Now, I don't know about you, but I hadn't heard of this organization or the work that they do! They have been working hard to educate others on stage 4 breast cancer and we want to support them in this area while we learn more about it ourselves!

One of the biggest reasons I continue to volunteer for PRP is to support others. It makes me teary eyed to hear stories of those  in our community that have just received a diagnosis, approach survivors they met or heard about at Pink Ribbon Project! Without attending PRP it may have taken them longer to find someone to reach out to for support. We believe strongly that it's not just about raising money. Its about awareness and creating a community of support. I had a friend contact me when she was diagnosed with breast cancer to see if she could talk to my Mom. It's very important not to feel alone. For those who are going through breast cancer to be able to connect with someone else who truly understands is so important. If we can help make that happen, that may be the most valuable thing that we do!

I am so proud to be part of the PRP team and of all we have accomplished over the past few years and I have big hopes and dreams for the future of the Pink Ribbon Project. You can find all the event details for this year, including ticket information here: PRP 2016 or follow us on Facebook or Twitter to stay up to date!

While there are many different reasons as to "Why we PRP....." my biggest WHY will always be my Mom. She is the best Mom and best Grandma in the world! Her grandkids adore her and even call her "Fun Grandma" because she has always been the type of Grandma to get down on the floor and play with the kids! If there is a kid tent, she's in it; a game to play, she's playing  ; you want to go to the dollar store, just say the word!! We all need her in our lives for a very long time!!

This Christmas will be 5 years since my Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. I am thankful for the care she received and the advances in the treatment of breast cancer that are keeping her right here where she needs to be! Mom, you are my rock, my advisor, my BEST friend! You have always known how to build me up and give me strength when I need it. Thank you for everything you do and everything you are. You are the most courageous & strong woman I know and I strive to be like you. I love you and cannot imagine life with out you!

Monday, 11 April 2016

In the Beginning.....

The Full Circle Foundation for Wellness came to be when our dedicated group of friends wanted to do more! We had been working together for a few years putting on one event to raise money for breast cancer research; but somehow that wasn't enough anymore. We set out to found an organization that would give us the opportunity to become more involved in our community and allow us to do more  for causes that are important to us.

The Full Circle Foundation for Wellness is an Alberta based Non-Profit working with wellness focused organizations and charities in Canada.  We work to educate ourselves and others, advocate for and donate to causes that we are passionate about, while empowering others to do the same.

Our areas of focus are physical and mental health & wellness, education and child & youth development.

Our work will include the continuation of the event, Pink Ribbon Project, which originated in 2013 and raises funds for breast cancer awareness, patient advocacy and education. you can learn more here:

This year we will also be hosting the first annual Dallas Williams Memorial Golf Tournament, with proceeds going to suicide prevention & mental health initiatives. You can find find all the event details and registration information on our Facebook Page.

We will be offering new events and volunteering in our areas of focus as new opportunities arise.

Thanks for taking a few minutes to visit this forum where we will share our work, events & ideas!