Tuesday, 11 April 2017

The Pursuit of More.....

I remember, as a child hearing the word cancer thrown around. We were told that once upon a time our Grandmother had fought and won against breast cancer. But that was it; no details, limited knowledge from a child’s perspective. Much later, when our son was born, my aunt was in the same hospital getting treatment for breast cancer. Just like her Mom, she was facing the same disease. Being older meant understanding more about this disease and what it could do. It meant a greater understanding, as a woman and mother what the impact of breast cancer might be, the toll it could take. Then thankfully with treatment completed, she was better.  No more was said and everybody moved on.  It wasn't until much later, when faced with new information that I started to wonder;  what more should I know? What more could I do?

Thinking about those questions throws me right back to my first Pink Ribbon Project experience. To be honest, it was just a night out for me and my husband! Some great friends of ours invited us and we showed up expecting some great food, drinks, entertainment!

Somewhere around the middle of the evening we realized we were there for a much bigger purpose.  The knowledge that was shared with us that night was amazing and the statistics regarding breast cancer were astonishing to us. Astonishing, even though breast cancer had affected my family, not once but twice!

After our first year attending PRP,  I was more motivated than ever to get involved. The following year;  donation in hand, we arrived with two of our family members that we wanted to share the experience with. You see, at the time our sister in law’s mother was battling cancer and we thought it might be a nice chance to enjoy a night out and take in the hope and support that just seems to be in the air at PRP. It was very touching to see her so deeply moved by a speech given by Jody, one of the committee's biggest inspirations for the event.  It seemed that just hearing  someone else's story made her feel a little bit better. That was the moment we decided that the following year, we would become sponsors.

At PRP 3,  I paid even more attention, keeping my ears and eyes open for any information I could soak in. We were introduced to other committee members and representatives from breast cancer organizations and had the chance to ask questions and learn more about breast cancer, specifically metastatic breast cancer. While we learned a lot and knew the impact of our contribution, still I went home that night asking my husband what we could do that would accomplish even more. 

Not long after this, those great friends who originally introduced us to PRP asked me if I would be interested in joining them on the  board of the Full Circle Foundation for Wellness. This is the group responsible for the Pink Ribbon Project and so, so much more. I jumped at the chance, this was what I had wanted!

From an attendee, to a sponsor and now to a participating board member. This was my chance to do more! Through the Full Circle Foundation I can reach and include more people, educate others, and most importantly, inspire others to do more as well.

We live in such a great community where people take the time to plan events like this that educate and raise awareness and funds for all kind of things. In the past I have championed other causes very near to my heart, so I know what it takes. It was time to take my passion for helping others and apply it to a different issue. One that impacted my family and the lives so many others. Full Circle Foundation gave me the opportunity I had been looking for, a way to do more. I'm grateful for  all the research that has happened between my Grandmother's diagnosis and now and for funding available to make new advances. My Grandma and Aunt survived and thrived and looking ahead I can be confident that I will have a hand in what the future holds for me and for my daughters as well.

As we move into Pink Ribbon Project season we are busy asking ourselves how we can have the biggest impact. How can we do more? What does more look like to the breast cancer community? We hope to see you at PRP 4 so you can see how we have answered these questions and how we can come together and do even more!!

~ Tanya Trembecki

** PRP is on June 17.  Tickets go on sale May 1. See our social media accounts for event & ticket info soon!

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